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LVL Handbook

This is the second, corrected edition of the LVL Handbook, published April 2020.

The previous, first (2019) edition can still be used when taking into consideration the corrections listed in the document linked below

List of corrections for the 1st (2019) edition

The LVL handbook is the first comprehensive summary of the properties and end uses of LVL products. It has been compiled and published by the woodworking industry. The handbook is an extensive source of information for designers, engineers and builders.

Laminated Veneer Lumber’s (LVL) glued veneer structure makes it an efficient material for construction. The product is used for beams, plates, studs, panels and elements: from new buildings to renovations and further industrial applications.

Technical Bulletin 

Federation of the Finnish Woodworking Industries and the German Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau published on behalf of the LVL producers a joint technical bulletin that specifies the strength classes, tolerances and additional design provisions for LVL. The calculations in the LVL Handbook are based on this bulletin.


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